Blood to the heart muscles is supplied by the coronary arteries and the entire pumping process is controlled by the heart’s electrical conduction system. Any disruption to the electrical signal transmission affects the blood flow and functioning of the heart. Whenever there is an obstruction in the blood supply, the heart muscles become starved of oxygen and nutrients, which leads to more chest pain or discomfort. Atrial fibrillation
(AF) is one of the common heart conditions characterised with excessively higher or abnormal heart rates. Moreover, it also increases the risk of blood clots causing stroke or life-threatening congestive heart failures. That is why it is highly recommended to seek treatment for AF at the right time.
Atrial fibrillation is categorised into paroxysmal, persistent and permanent depending on the degree and frequency of AF episodes. Diagnostic tests and accurate evaluation of symptoms is essential to devise the right treatment method. Atrial fibrillation has strong associations with other serious cardiovascular diseases such as congestive heart failure, hypertension and coronary artery diseases. Treatment options for AF include medical therapy, catheter ablation and insertion of pacemaker. Drug treatment is often preferred to prevent the risk of stroke or to control the heart rhythm. Patients with permanent AF are at an increased risk of stroke and thromboembolism. Oral anticoagulation common vitamin K antagonist therapy (VKA) is the standard medication prescribed for AF patients with moderate or high risk of stroke. Also known as blood thinners,
this medication demands regular blood tests to monitor its interactions. Some of the common vitamin K antagonist therapy medications include warfarin, apixaban, dabigatran and rivaroxaban.
Catheter ablation is another procedure to treat AF, where the source of erratic signals is destroyed using high-frequency radio waves. Having an artificial atrial fibrillation pacemaker fitted below the skin near the collar bone is another option to maintain the normal heart rhythm. A pacemaker is a small device that consists of a pulse generator and lead wires. Implantation of an artificial atrial fibrillation pacemakeris a minor surgical procedure that is typically done in an electrophysiology lab. Right after the implantation, the device takes over the job of sinoatrial node (SA node) and helps the heart beat regularly. Treatment for atrial fibrillation is decided on the basis of the patient’s symptoms, underlying cause, overall health condition and other factors.
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